Friday, January 21, 2011


While I'm in Galway, I have to take 6 classes in order to get the required amount of credits for Fairfield.  Classes meet either once a week (for two hours) or twice a week (one hour each).  Usually lectures classes meet two different times a week while seminars meet once.  Lectures are super big, especially compared to Fairfield classes and seminars are usually about 20 people big and are more intense with discussion, etc.

The classes I'm taking while I'm here are:
Northern Ireland: Politics of a Divided Society
The Development of the Castle in Midieval Europe
The Welfare State
Introduction to Practical Ethics
Coastal Environments
Women in Irish Society

I've been to each class and everything seems to be great, it'll just take a little bit of getting used to!


  1. Hey ER - You cute, little Irish Blogger--when we skyped--you were sick as a dog--glad you feel better. Hope this gets to ya. All this high teck stuff is jacking me up.:):) Have a "pint at the pub" for me!!! Sent you regular email over there by either you were busy or it drowned in the POND. Miss ya. Hope you get this. Have a blast. Love, Ole' AJ xoxoxo

  2. EEGB - classes sound interesting mix and a good emersion into the Irish history, culture, government. I'm dying to hear about how you FEEL about this exerience. How is the food, drink and being merry as well as the people. Looks like the pubs are a true mix of the old and the new. Loved the pics of trad dancing. Your blog wallpaper rimnds me of how my old Richboro farm house walls really looked! In Stone Harbor over weekend packing up Aunt Suzy for her move this week. New place is good. Your Dad and Meghan were down yesterday and helped too. Keep up all the good stuff. xoxo ur tante rene
